Friday, December 6, 2013

One Month

  • Has smiled 3-4 times (on purpose) and it is the sweetest thing. They are few and far between but they make me so excited about all of the cooing and smiling to come. 
  • Sleeps from about 10-11 until 3:30 and then until about 7. I think Bishop may have been sleeping longer at this point but I am by no means complaining! I only have to get up and feed him once during the night and he eats and goes back to sleep so no complaints here!
  • Is kissed on by his brother ALL day long...when he isn't being kissed by his momma
  • Loves to lay in his pack and play swaddled up. He naps there but sometimes he will just lay there looking around forever as long as he is swaddled with his Aiden and Anais blanket. He sometimes fusses in the swing but if I swaddle him up and lay him down, he is content. 
  • Has not had a bottle yet. I am not ready. With Bishop, I was ready before now but it is different with Ben. Probably the number one reason is because I am is just easier not to deal with bottles! But also he doesn't seem quite as good at eating as Bishop so I want to make sure he gets it completely before we go confusing him. 
  • Can follow the voices of his momma, his brother, and his daddy really well. He seems so concerned every time we talk to him. 
  • Can raise his head a few seconds. He doesn't get tummy time too often because if he fusses about anything, then his brother won't allow it. "Momma, he needs you!" or "Momma, I think he needs some milk!" Luckily, he is a very quite baby that doesn't cry much but still I can tell he probably won't have much of a chance to cry around here!
  • Hate, and I mean HATES the Miracle Blanket. I sold that thing to half of my friends. I gave it as baby gifts. I didn't know if I could ever give it up with Bishop. So, the first week he was home I tried it out. He wasn't having it. I remembered it taking a slight adjustment, so I waited and re tried it when he was sleepy one night. He feel asleep in it and woke up in a panicking scream because he couldn't move his arms. Nothing would calm him down. I unswaddled him, and he was fine. I have tried it once more with the same screaming episode so I am just sticking with his blanket this time. He loves it and I'm fine with it. It is just odd to me that one of my children LOVED the Miracle Blanket and one HATES it. I guess that is what happens when you have two different people...I'm learning these things :)

These posts are for myself for the most part. I already find myself going back and looking for things Bishop, etc and I have the WORST memory! So they might seem a bit boring :)

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