Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Bishop started 3 year old preschool 3 days a week until lunch and he loves it. He had an adjustment period at first with hitting, keeping his hands to himself, and basically adjusting to following directions. I was finding that punishment really wasn't working. I almost think he enjoyed the attention of getting in trouble at school. So, I came up with a "reward chart" that has worked out extremely well for him...especially when we first started it. Now, he seems to do fine regardless of the sticker/reward. Leon and I came up with the idea ourselves and I'm sure there are much better ideas out there but it has worked for us. If he is good (per his teacher) at school, then he gets a sticker on his chart. Once he gets 3 stickers, he gets a "prize". He picks the prize...trip to park, PEZ dispenser, movie night, ice cream, etc. It is a bit of a form of bribery which I'm sure breaks all of the "parenting rules" but most of the "prizes" we would do anyway. He gets seriously upset when he does something that he knows it going to keep him from getting a sticker. He has always loved learning so he is doing great with his letters, numbers, etc. He had to miss school today and he even wanted to do his school sheets that they didn't get to in school a few weeks ago.

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