I honestly can't believe that it is June and Ben is almost 8 months. Time truly flies. Especially when you have two littles that keep you busy all day every day. I wouldn't trade it for the world!
Saturday morning worm catching.
Sunday afternoon trip to Sam's. Seriously, he has Leon's phone propped on his glasses watching something. At one point, he had a sample of popcorn to go along with his movie.
Next we made a stop at Pet Smart which is kinda like a small, free zoo in the eyes of a 4 year old.
I don't even mind working occasionally when I get to see this face on my lunch break :)
I walked in to this. And, I was not ready. He, however, was very proud. We had to move the bed down after that.
First tball practice
Zoo trip! Full post later…at some point…hopefully :)
Mother's Day boat ride
They could do this every single day.
FUMC preschool program. Can't believe he has been in preschool a year already. He has grown so much in so many ways. Such a bright little boy with a big future!
First tball game. He is adorable. I'm not sure he loves it or not yet but I think it is a good experience for him. He has to learn there are other people in the world and he sometimes doesn't get the ball EVERY time. He has a tendency to give up on something he immediately isn't the BEST at (absolutely NO idea where he gets that) which is part of why I'd like for him to play. I'll never be the mom screaming at my kids (or any kids) but I just want him to play and have fun, win or lose (even though in tball no one technically loses!)
A little rainy Saturday duet with a stage made out of pillows…and one shoe?
He has spent DAYS trying to concoct "webs" like that he can put in a "web shooter" that he is planning on making after he gets the formula just right. I caught him mixing together anything sticky he could find in the house..glue, shampoo, soap. Later he added another soap and the next morning he added some mud and some sunscreen. And this cup of "webs" can not be thrown away. Very serious stuff :) Abby knocked the cup over and in his prayer that night he said "and thank you God for letting me make webs today and please let me make webs again tomorrow because Abby spilled them" How could I tell him he couldn't remake them the next day??
This kid LOVES broccoli. I am amazed at what he will eat. Literally anything.
Our first watermelon of the summer. And, oh my, it was awesome! And, so is that watermelon slicer!
GLOW kids kickoff party. The kids had a blast even though it was a little cold.
Ben couldn't take his eyes off of the big kids..
This summer we have swim lessons, 2 family beach trips, leon's work trip, VBS, church day trips, and SO much more. I'm very excited about spending so much time with the two little boys who have my heart.