Saturday, May 31, 2014

Easter 2014

I love Easter. It is probably my most favorite holiday.  First and foremost, The Easter Story. I never get tired of hearing the story of Jesus. I am so blessed to take part in the season of Lent, even though I grew up in a Baptist church and have only taken part the last 4 years. It really is a season to prepare for Easter. Lent isn't as much about giving up something, but about focusing on God. As much as Jesus has given up for me, it is hard to complain about giving up something so small like eating out or candy or coke or whatever, even though I usually do complain a little :) And, it is amazing how God works each year to bring to life something more from the story. This year, I've spent a lot of time reading and learning about the life of Jesus AFTER the resurrection and what he asks of us. Some years have been more focused on the week leading up to the cross and some about the resurrection. I feel like I've gained something each year throughout Lent, and it is amazing how it all works together. I have been reading a blog "She Reads Truth" lately and I highly recommend. If you sign up for email, it will send you a little devotional every day. It doesn't take long to do, but it truly helps me focus on the day.

I also love that Easter is a time to spend with family. It isn't as stressful as Christmas. Maybe because the kids can run outside or maybe because we don't have a billion gifts or maybe because I brought boxed cupcakes or because I don't have to be at 5 places in 2 days. Either way, it  is wonderful day to spend with the ones I love. And, a day to take a bunch of pictures….

City Park Egg Hunt

Yep, we wear snowman jammies on Easter around here.

Making resurrection rolls
These were such a cool idea for his age and they were pretty good BUT ours did not turn out quite so pretty. In fact, only 2 actually worked. The others opened up and made a mess. Or as Bishop said "Jesus melted" But he liked them and the next day asked if we could make "those Jesus things" again. Maybe we will try again next year with a homemade dough instead of the canned crescents.

Dying eggs with daddy

Our traditional, yet terrible and bright, family photo.
Last years terrible photo…a lot can change in a year!

Easter at my moms

Sweet Allie Kate

AK did not want her picture made! At all!

And, this kid is getting way to big for me to handle.

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