Friday, April 26, 2013

Bishop is THREE!

Well, I have a few months to catch up on and I'll try to go back and quickly get caught up but first I just have to share more recent Bishop's birthday last weekend. Seriously, the kid takes birthdays as serious as I do ;) He has been "planning" his party for months. He has asked constantly if it was his birthday yet. CONSTANTLY. He changed his mind 20 times at first as to what "kind" of party he wanted. Finally he decided he wanted a Dumbo party. He loves Dumbo. We watch the movie/read the book at least once a week. At first, I was like "A DUMBO party?! What can I do for that?!" Dinosaurs, I could handle...Superheroes, no problem...but Dumbo? Well, then I started leaning toward more of a circus idea and that was much easier. AND it was lots of fun to plan and lots of fun to see his face! He truly loved it. The week before he kept saying Dumbo was coming to his party and I tried and tried to convince him he wasn't. He wasn't hearing it though..Dumbo WAS coming. I'm not going to lie, I did call around for a Dumbo costume! But by the time the party got here, I think he totally forgot. Whew! I had several games planned but considering how I've felt lately, most of those did not happen! I ended up renting a jumpy/slide (funny I always thought I'd never do that but it was SO worth it with as many kids as we had) and the kids were having so much fun we never got to the face painting or games. Seriously, it was fine by me. It was a perfect day for a birthday party, which so far had not happened until this year for him. His first birthday it was 40 degrees and last year we had hurricane force winds. This year though, it was completely perfect. Bishop had the BEST time with all of his family and friends. We are truly blessed to have each one in our lives!

PS...a MILLION pics warned.

Decorations...which were mostly all hand made (at wee hours of the morning by me, JJ, Allen, and Leon...Seriously, it wouldn't be a party if we didn't stay up late making cones, wrapping boxes, making favors, doing cakes, etc!) and the paper products were from my awesome friend Maggie.

Besides the sweets table, this was B's favorite. He LOVES popcorn!

Pin the feather on Dumbo. Apparently 3 year olds are too young to "get" this game especially after loads of sugar. But it was super cute! And Bishop loved sticking the feathers...just not blindfolded :)

The only family photo we managed to get. Mouth full of cookie!

Scott's first time to meet Ally Kate, the smallest party guest.

Jonah doesn't really even need the costume. He's pretty much always a clown.

This pic is blurry but I just love it. 

Bishop is obsessed with being the ringmaster

And a cute Dumbo

They are so sweet, we LOVE Gracen :)

I really don't even want to think about the amount of sugar that was consumed by this 3 year old!

Leon's giraffe/dinosaur balloon attacking Allen 

The photo booth was so much fun we even played with it after the wrapping paper fell down and it was almost dark out.

See, I warned about the pictures! I honestly didn't know it would let you post this many. I even cut out SEVERAL! This is what happens when you don't pick up a camera for 3 months.

Fun, fun, party for my sweet sweet boy!

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