Sunday, March 20, 2011

One month

Until the BIG birthday!! YIKES! I have said it and said it (and said it) but I can't believe I am posting that my sweet boy is 11 months old already! It just doesn't seem possible. It doesn't seem possible that I could love him any more either, but every day I do. I never want a day to end and I can't wait to see his big grin every morning. This child has made the last 11 months the best of my life! I'm sure I'll get all teary and sappy over the next month, but I'm guessing that would be normal. (normal for me at least...I get teary over everything he does!)

He is certainly becoming a little boy whether I like it or not! Every day I see something in him that I didn't see the day before. He's quite amazing really. It's fun to see his little mind work!

11 things about my 11 month old...
  • Is like Houdini with his bib. He hates it, and the second I leave the room, it is off. Every. Single. Time.
  • Still a picky, picky boy who loves his babyfood and grilled cheeses. He will try just about anything, but getting him to take more than 3 bites is the problem. He LOVES those squirt Happy Baby food pouches that I found in Jackson at Target...but of course, I can't find them around here (suggestions??) He just doesn't do different textures well. Maybe next time I will try Baby Lead Weaning? Or maybe it is just because.....
  • He still only has 2 teeth. I'm looking for a top one any day now though.
  • Still loves the same Sesame Street video. Can sit still for a very long time if it is on. He even loves to look at the box it came in.
  • Can quack like a duck, roar like a lion, and bark like a puppy dog. He wakes up quacking and roaring.
  • Can say "nnnnnnnnnnnnnno" It  is hilarious. It sounds like a struggle to get it out...but he gets it! If you ask him to say something, he will try and imitate you...although it may or may not resemble exactly what you said. He has mastered "uh oh" "oh weee" and  "HEY" but he doesn't really like to say "bye bye"...although he can. He can also say momma, dadda, and Elmo.
  • Had to start formula some. This makes me sad, but he never skipped a beat so that made it a little better. He seems to like it just fine. I am the one upset about it! We have tried the cup a few times but I have no luck.
  • Is still too scared to walk by himself. He can stand for a very long time and walk anywhere as long as he is holding on to something, but he doesn't seem interesting in taking any steps without me holding his hand which is 100% fine by me! I chase him enough as it is...he can certainly get wherever he wants!
  • Gives the best hugs and kisses imaginable. He gives hugs very often (and pats you on the back when he stinking sweet!) but is a little bit stingy with those sweet slobery kisses. I'll take either. Any. Day.
  • Gets called a girl most days...even when I dress him in tractors. Can boys not have curly hair? After 11 months of this...I'm getting pretty used to it tho.
  • Still loves to read and be read to. I hope he always loves to read as much as he does now.

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