Monday, October 25, 2010

The big ONE HALF

6 MONTHS!! Wow...that is just crazy to say! My little sweet baby is growing up so fast! Oh, how he just melts my heart! Bishop at 6 months.....

  • Sleeps from 7:30 until around 7...give or take 30 minutes. If it is before 7, he eats and goes back to sleep with me until 7:30 or 8:00.  I have to say, this is one of my favorite parts of the day. I really don't know who is spoiled more...him or ME??
  • Loves food. Except bananas...not the biggest fan of bananas. He does this all over body shake sometimes when he takes a bite. I keep trying them...and he keeps refusing them! He LOVES squash, sweet potatoes, pears, peaches, green beans, and apples. He tolerates carrots and green peas. He is very particular about the temperature of his food though. This kiddo is not about to eat some room temperature food! He prefers the stuff I make, but he will eat the store bought kind too.
  • Is very picky about the temperature of his milk...he will NOT drink it if it isn't warm enough. He used to drink it almost out of the fridge...not now! He almost likes it hot! I sometimes have to re-warm it half way through. This is all fine and dandy at home...but at football games, restaurants, is quite frustrating!
  • Is still is on a pretty good schedule (most days) which consists of....
    • 7-8 breakfast
    • 9:30-11:30 nap
    • 11:30-12 lunch
    • 2:00-4:00 nap
    • 4:30-5:00 supper
    • 7:30 bedtime
  • Loves his new (to us) VTech sit to stand toy, LOVES to jump in the Jumperoo, plays with toys in his playpen, and still watches the same Baby Einstein videos in his swing. I read to him most nights and I think he likes that...he likes to help turn the page at least.
  • Is discovering his voice.This week he sounds like a Kung Fu fighter but last week he sounded like a dying cat. That was real fun in public. I much prefer the new is sooo sweet! He has learned to fake cough which is not my favorite sound, but he's still cute.
  • Likes his bath, but doesn't soak me quite as much these days. He is too obsessed with the soap and shampoo bottles and too interested in trying to turn on the faucet to worry with splashing! Oh, and eating the washcloth, soap and all.
  • Scoots everywhere...can't leave him alone in the floor anymore. He'll end up all the way across the floor or in the fireplace!
  • LOVES to be outside and LOVES Abby (and Rocket!!). He can be in the grouchiest mood (which is honestly rare) and take him outside or let him see a dog and he is good!
  • Is very loved by his mommy and daddy!!

1 comment:

  1. Is he seriously 6 months old already?!? Love your blog! It is so neat to be able to look back and see what was going on and how they change! How is it possible that they can just get cuter and cuter?
