Wednesday, November 13, 2013

John Benjamin Hays

On October 11, my life changed once again. The story of Ben's birth is actually much like the story of his brother. Both of my boys were born on their due date! And I had a doctor's appointment scheduled both days and went to both appointments having contractions. With Ben, I had an appointment at the hospital to make sure the baby was doing ok and would do ok with forced contractions...a stress test I think. Although I was BEYOND ready to be un-pregnant and meet my sweet boy, I was kind of against induction if I could get by with it so my doctor suggested I do this test. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure by the next week I would have been begging to be induced! The night before the appointment I started having mild, sporadic contractions. Same story with Bishop, only his hurt much worse. Once I got to the hospital, I didn't even need the pitocin to see how the baby was doing since I was already having contractions. His heart rate sounded great...that is, until I had a contraction. I knew something was wrong and I started to completely panic. Not only could I hear it myself, but I could see it on the nurse's face that it wasn't supposed to sound that almost sounded like it stopped for a brief second. I didn't have to wait long for my doctor to say "looks like we were having a baby today". I was still completely freaked out, but she assured me that worst case was a c-section. And, although I didn't particularly want a c-section, I knew it would not be the end of the world. As long as my baby was here, I didn't really care how he got here.  And, at 5:00 that evening, I met my precious son. It was everything I thought and more. I'll spare the birth details, but I'll just say he got here in, the nurse almost delivered him :)

A few days before, I had had a sonogram that had an estimated weight of 6 lbs 12 oz. However, that was a little bit off.  This big boy was 8 lbs 6oz! And so, so PERFECT!

It was completely awesome the moment he was born. And completely different from the way I felt with Bishop. But then, it was kind of the same too. It's a little hard to explain. With Bishop I had never known that love. I honestly was blown completely away and I'll never forget how I felt seeing him for the first time. It was instantaneous. It was an unconditional love like no other I had ever known.  I knew to expect that this time so I wasn't as in shock that I loved him from the moment I saw him. There was much more relief this time though. I was relieved that he actually was here, in my arms, and ok. I had prayed for him for so long and he was finally here. I was completely in love and thankful and relieved to have this baby boy.

I only thought the moment couldn't get any better. Then, it did. Bishop had been there all day just waiting to meet his baby brother. Actually he had been waiting daily since it was "OctoVer" and the baby was supposed to be here then :) He was so in love from the moment he saw him...I'm sure he wasn't expecting that. He was so, so sweet with him and I'll never, ever forget that moment. Thank you to whomever took these pictures. I honestly don't remember anyone being there let alone anyone taking pictures and I am so grateful to have them.

I love how proud he is of him. He's happy to be a big brother, but he is just so in love with him.

Ben is so sweet and cuddly. And, quiet. He barely cries. I even asked the nurses if they thought something might be wrong with him because he never cried. He is catching on a little more now though :) He is the perfect addition to our family and we are loving getting to know him more every day.

I don't think it was a coincidence that the day he was born, my bible app verse of the day was "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34

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