Monday, July 19, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things

There are tons of things that I love and could not live without (baby swing, baby gym, breastpump, Dr. Brown's bottles, etc), but I am choosing to talk about the two things that I would recommend to any new mom to aid in getting baby to sleep well. Some people may be against one or the other, but my experience [with only one child] has been great! Neither may not work at all with my next child, but I certainly will give it try.

Item number one: The Miracle Blanket: AKA, baby straight jacket. At first I wasn't too sure about this one. It seems so cruel. I would swaddle him, but not pin his arms down. After a while, he would get himself out and wake himself up by flailing those long arms around. So, I tried the Miracle Blanket. After a few days, we both warmed up to the idea. Now, he loves it! He has been sleeping all night for about 2 months! My only issue now is...How will we ever STOP using it? Is there a weening process or do we quit cold turkey? I guess we shall see soon enough!
Item number two:  Baby Wise. I read this book while I was pregnant at least once and then re-read parts of it several times since. Some of it I just could not understand until he was actually here. Some of it I still don't get. I am by no means a Baby Wise Nazi, but I do think it has some good points. I don't do everything just according to Gary and Robert...but I did try and follow the basics. We still rock (when he lets me) and I don't let him lay there and cry for 20 minutes. We still aren't that great at napping, but I'll take a good nights sleep over a nap any day.  I would recommend all expecting/new moms at least read over it even if you don't follow EVERYTHING it says!

Side note: This is not exactly the week for me to be publishing this post, but I am doing it anyway despite our current sleeping habit. Ever since I went back to work those 4 days, he has decided to wake up between 4:45 and 6 STARVING. His paci won't work and rocking just makes him mad...he wants to eat and that is all that makes him happy. I thought he was getting ready to sleep LONGER, but not looking that way at the moment. I'm thinking maybe it is a growth spurt. Maybe he needs something more than milk to satisfy him longer. I don't know? I was really planning on waiting until 4 months to start cereal, but he may need it sooner since he is such a big boy. From 7 or 8 weeks up until last week, he has slept from about 10-7 or 8 which was fantastic. I can handle the extra early morning meal for now as long is it is a growth spurt and not a habit! We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with the great baby products, they're life savers for me too! Right now, my almost 6 month old still swaddles in the miracle blanket & screams if she gets out! So, we're in trouble soon! :) She too has slept through the night since about 9 weeks!
