Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Congrats Daddy!!

The Prentiss County Development Association has named a new executive director. Leon Hays was tapped by PDCA to replace Gerald Williams, who announced his retirement last month.

Ok, this post is going to be fairly boring to most. It's just one of those things I want to remember. Also, it is not in order...but the Gulf Shores post is next on my "to-do" list and it is going to take much more time so this is what I decided to blog next....

I feel like we have been fairly patient for the past few years. Leon has worked full time as well as part time while finishing school at Wal-Mart Distribution in New Albany on the weekends. Yes, the weekends...EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND. We haven't been to a football game at state in TWO YEARS. It is bad enough that I worked every other weekend, but to not be able to plan anything on a weekend EVER was rather rough. We were not able to go to church together which was by far the hardest part for me. We haven't been able to visit and find a church that we both feel is our "church home" so it was just rough. I prayed about it so much and there were times when I felt like this was going to be our lives forever! I was going to always be the one in the couples Sunday school class that was not really a couple. I hated doing anything on Sundays because it just made me sad. I would feel so cheated...I would leave church in tears half of the time. I was also preggo towards the end, which made it even worse. I was always thankful that he was able to have a job, especially a job that worked so well with his school schedule. In this economy, anyone was lucky to have a job, so I did not want to complain too much. I did my share of complaining though!

Well, in June our prayers were answered! It worked out so well that it was almost unreal. We had Bishop in April while Leon was still in school. Leon was up late studying for finals and working on projects while I was trying to take care of a newborn. Then in May, he graduated (finally!). We still were unsure of job opportunities so he was just going to try wherever he could and attempt to get a weekday, full time position at Walmart. He was able to spend all week with us at home so it was fine that he was working on the weekends. We had a great spring/early summer together. Somewhere in May or June, he started interviewing for PCDA director position. We were positive he would not actually get the job, but it was good experience going through the whole interview process. Well, HE GOT THE JOB!! And, ironically, he got a weekday full time job at Walmart the same week. For the record, he took the PCDA job. :)

He loves it. He comes home in such a better mood. I think he learns something new every day. He is doing a great job so far (in my tiny little opinion).  I think he is finally is starting to feel like Booneville is his home. AND, it has worked out so nicely because he is able to take Bishop to my moms and pick him up in the afternoons. He is also able to keep him on the weekends. It may not seem like much, but me being able to be home holding him in the mornings and afternoons is all I get with him on the days I work, and I can't imagine spending them rushing around trying to get us both up and out the door. So far Bishop has either been with me, Leon, or my parents....and while it stresses me that he is not with ME all of the time, I know he is always in good hands.

We are so blessed!

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